Wednesday, December 30, 2009

A New Year - A New Decade

When the Apostle Paul was in prison, he prayed for open doors. He writes in Colossians:

3And pray for us, too, that God may open a door for our message, so that we may proclaim the mystery of Christ, for which I am in chains. 4Pray that I may proclaim it clearly, as I should. 5Be wise in the way you act toward outsiders; make the most of every opportunity. (Col. 4:3-5)

He doesn't pray for personal safety and security. He doesn't pray for for release from prison. He cherishes his partnership with God and prays for an opportunity to share the message of Jesus with others.

What would happen at Central if we prayed for open doors? John Ortberg has an open door prayer that goes this way:

"God open doors in my life every day. God, if there's somebody I'm to be concerned about who doesn't know You; if there's some spiritual opportunity, if there something you want me to do, God, open a door in my life."

What would happen at Central if we prayed this prayer every day for six weeks. Will you join me at the beginning of this new decade in praying this prayer?

Tuesday, December 15, 2009


One of the most famous verses of the bible is John 3:16. "For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son that whoever believes in Him shall not perish, but have eternal life." This verse can be summarized as God Loves; God Sent; and God gives.

God Loves -- Love is at the core and center of who God is. Whereas the Mesopotamian gods were looking to humans to become slaves and fulfill their whims and wishes, the God of the Bible is categorically different. He is not a taker, but a giver. He sets us free and gives us gifts. The book of James tells us that every gift comes from the Father.

God Sent -- Jesus came into the world as a child at risk. He was born to poor parents and under threat from King Herod. Into a world where fathers could refuse to raise their own child and force that child tothe streets, Jesus was born.

God Gives -- Life, eternal life is what God offers. When asked about eternal life by a religious leader, Jesus told the story about The Good Samaritan. The message was acting neighborly to whoever crosses our path. Christmas is about the Kingdom of God. It is a message of Good News and Good Works.

May you rejoice this Christmas Season.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Pastoral Musings

We have recently recieved a large gift of $22,000 that is undesignated. The Board of Stewards needs your help in making a decison about the use of these funds. Here's your chance to brainstorm and offer input. How do you think these funds should be used? No, we are not interested in paying your rent or buying you a car.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

We just completed an amazing weekend with several of our missionaries. It is always good to evaluate what our strengths and weaknesses were this weekend. We sponsored a "Circus for Christ" dinner and presentation on Saturday night where our clowns preformed as they have done in another culture. We listened to some of our short term missionaries present the work they engaged in this past summer. We listen to Juan and Laura Salazar give us a portrait of their ministry in Juarez. So I am interested in your feedback.

What worked for you and what didn't?

Do you have a better understanding ofthe nature of missions?

Do you haveany recommendations forthe future?